Vikram World is a pioneer in the field of identifying talents through innovative methods. The company has a well qualified team from various fields. Vikram World ensures the optimum results for their clients by putting more and more efforts.
We at Vikram World don’t ignore the fact that every individual coming to us is important and we maintain 100% confidentiality for their personal information at our end.
We give a lot of specific and generic suggestions and remedies on how to improve a person’s intelligence, study and work efficiency. We guide to place employees into the optimum position. We also gives guidelines on academic courses selection, career development and life-layout.
Miracle Brain Test
Miracle Brain Test is a proven scientific method to decode the brain’s potential and talent through the physical formation of dermal ridges, which has linkage to brain development.
When you hear the word intelligence, the concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind. Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something that can be measured and a capacity that is difficult to change.
While the scientific communities all over the world are still in awe of the potential of the Miracle Brain Test in mapping human development potential, it has quietly made headway into academics. Based on the tenets of the seminal theory of Multiple Intelligence by Dr. Howard Gardner, the Miracle Brain Test maps a scientifically accurate trajectory of skill-development and talent augmentation for individuals.
Based on the advanced, scientifically proven discipline of Science, Miracle Brain Test studies the unique developmental potential within an individual. Unlike most generic means of talent testing and assessment, like E.Q and I.Q tests, It assigns an exclusive, unique identity and result to every individual user based on the unique mapping of genetic information. As no two chromosomes in two different individuals are alike, similarly information for no two different individuals is alike too.
Pychometric Test
Pychometric tests are impersonal, standardized and objective, and practice tests. The psychometric test is a level playing field parents, teachers and employers must value them because they are a fair way of uncovering candidates’ strengths regardless of educational background.
Here with Global Minds Academy, you are expected to appear for a test comprising of 90 questions. The ideal approach is to as honestly and calmly as possible. Candidates should ensure that they grasp the question properly and only use the information given. Situational Judgement and Critical Thinking assessments measure suitability rather than ability, therefore, there is no question of failure or pass.
Global Minds Academy Psychometric Tests include in-depth reports on individual school student, under-graduate students as well as graduate and post-graduate students which provide information about how to assess their core intelligence, attitude and the aptitude in order to go on the path of confident and long-lasting results from education as well as career.
The Psychometric Multiple Intelligence Test with us provides you a very clear information about the nurtured aspect of your personality and the level of distortion that must have taken place about the multiple intelligence vis-a-vis your inborn potential.
Midbrain Activation Program
Midbrain activation is one of the best methods for the children to excel in their academics as well as their overall growth. By using Brain Simulation methods child’s left and right brain can be balanced this will improve their emotional and mental stability.
In the current scenario there are many distractions for children. The most difficult aspect for children as well as adults is to concentrate and focus on the activity at hand. Midbrain Activation program is a step in that direction whereby through a combination of music therapy and different concentration and focusing activities in a fun environment we help the child to unleash their sensory skills to achieve the unimaginable.
Midbrain Activation Program helps children to increase their learning ability in many ways. Concentration and focusing will help them to study with undivided attention. Enhanced Photogenic Memory will help them to retain much more than what they were able to remember before going through the program. Better Intuition will assist them in understanding concept and improve their logical skills. And without a doubt, if they are able to achieve all of the above it will boost the confidence of the child to a very high level.
Relationship Counseling
The need of Relationship Counseling have arise from last few years as people started to feel imbalance in relationship on emotional or communication level. The relationship counseling deals with any kind of relationship, not only marital but also others. The quality of the relationships in a life/business partner is predetermined by each partner’s personal characteristics and by their capability to develop optimal behavior in their partners. The relationship counseling is not about determining compatibility but to know your partner better. The Miracle Brain Test report for relationship counseling is an effective test which quantitatively assesses the relationships on the basis of v arious behavioral parameters of each partner.
Career Guidance
The lack of career guidance may lead students to exam related stress and many professionals to unemployment.
It just because of wrong career choices that they made without understanding their own inborn talents or by taking career guidance from the institute who guides them on the basis of their merits and not by their talents.
At Vikram World we have a team of highly qualified and experienced career experts (career counsellors / career consultants) for career guidance. They combine giving advice on their topic of expertise with career guidance and counselling techniques that support clients in making complex decisions and facing difficult situations in their entire career. Vikram World focus of career guidance / career counselling is generally on issues such as career search / exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is like a user’s manual for the brain, and taking an NLP training is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.
It is the most sophisticated, effective, and easiest to learn model for influencing yourself, your friends, your family, your boss, your spouse – or anyone you communicate with!
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Jeevan Vigyan Academy, ( unit of Jain Vishwa Bharati ) Ladnun 2011. He was made the co-conveyar to organize the 1 st Jeevan Vigyan Camp at Sardar Shahar in 2010 by Jain Vishwa Bharati,Ladnun.
Edutech Multimedia is a unique content solutions company. We are a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, who have taken the initiative, to provide unparalleled high quality services for our children.
We are going beyond the usual concept of textbook education. We have a new vision that is based on gaining knowledge through experimentation and self- exploration.
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